The cost of mini dental implants varies depending on the number of implants you choose to have, and it will also be affected by the complexity of your individual case. Also, if you require additional treatment before or after the mini implants are fitted then this can add to the cost.

Such factors should always be discussed with your dentist before going ahead with treatment. But remember, a cheaper mini dental implant dentist is not necessarily the best bet, as you are likely to be getting treatment from a dentist who has less experience with the treatment than with someone who charges more for this advanced treatment.  

Mini dental implants are much less expensive than traditional dental implants; as a general guide, they usually cost between half and a quarter of the price of normal dental implants. Typically, patients can expect to pay around £800 per mini implant and between £1000 and £2000 for a normal dental implant. Implants in the upper jaw are usually more expensive than those in the lower jaw.

The price you pay for treatment will also depend on the dentist you choose and the location of the clinic. If, for example, there is only one or two mini dental implant dentists in your area then they will likely be able to charge more than where there are several and competition is fierce for your clientele. What’s more, dentists with a great deal of experience and expertise when it comes to mini dental implant treatment will likely charge premium rates, and clinics in the south and those located in city centres will usually charge more than those in the north.